Dear players!
03/02/2021 in the period from 05:00 to 07:00 Moscow time, the server will be rebooted to update:
1) Updating the Sale tab:
- Strong baobao voucher - 400g
- Rune of transfer (x50) - 5g.
- Large transfer coupon - 20g
- Large dump coupon - 20g
2) Change in treatises (books) with a parameter of -1 and -2 casting speed:
Checking the caste acceleration parameters on the treatises revealed a discrepancy between the default parameters of the level 6 treatise and their coincidence with the parameters of the level 8 treatise. At the moment, the casting acceleration parameter will be available only on the level 8 treatise (-3%).
Parameters -1 and -2 will be removed from the treatises and their descriptions, on the 6th level treatise "Praise the Law" instead of speeding up the cast, the parameter + 6% reduction in physical damage is put down. (The owners of these books, if they wish, will be able to exchange it for any of the same level upon request from those support).
3) Temporarily removed lighting effects from mounts, decorative pets and flights from the winter marathon and the NG event.
After checking for the absence / presence of traffic lights (decreasing their frequency), there will be the 2nd stage of removing the effects from the remaining models of pets and flights and checking.
Effects that will not affect traffic lights will gradually return.
Regards, ThePW Administration
Update v315
[March 02, 2021]